H5P Geography Quiz

foxfabi's picture


I am currently developing H5P.GeoQuiz that let's you create geography quizzes. The questions are answered by clicking the correct location (lat,lon) or area in a leaflet map. Check it out at github.

To use this content type you will also need the H5PEditor.CoordinateSelector widget. The coordinates can be choosed moving a marker in a leaflet map or by using an autocomplete field that queries http://photon.komoot.de/

A simple demo

Upload the attachment as an H5P library.

It implement also the question contract, so it can be used inside question set or course presentation.

otacke's picture

Hoi foxfabi!

Very neat! I'll spread the word ...



This is such a fun tool. I look forward to downloading and trying it out. My only suggestion from the demo would be to have 2 colors for the pointers when the learner answer is different from the coordinates (100% right answer). Your point system is very encouraging as well -itmotivated me and I am usually not very interested by scores. But this was in the thousands and made it lots of fun.  For fun visuals, would be so impressive if the student answer marker changed colors, gradually matching the right answer as we get close (as you do with the points), and turning black or red the farther the answer. 

Anyway, great work and greetings from Genf - thank you for an opportunity to brush up my German too ;-)

foxfabi's picture

Hello maude
Thanks for your constructive comment. The color of the response marker is now implemented as you suggested :)

foxfabi's picture

Since Version 1.1.4 it support the question contract, so it can be used inside question set or course presentation.

otacke's picture

Hi foxfabi!

Great! I have two more suggestions (disguised as questions) and some questions extra.

When showing the score, would it be possible to show "the" spot that was expected and maybe the distance between the correct spot and the chosen one? This would help to identify what might have been done better. Sure, that's a little tricky if you're asking for a place inside a country, but if you have access to coordinates that define the border of the country, that could be done I think.

Other case: When you're asking for a city, do you have access to the city borders as well or could you let the author define a certain radius that would define an area that would be considered to be 100% correct?

How would you like to proceed? Do you want to have the content type available inside the H5P Hub? We usually have a two-step process for that as a minimum. First we do a user experience review to identify weak spots, see if everything works from a user perspective, etc. My own experience: that's very helpful! When that stage is passed, there's the code review where we have check for possible improvements, security issues, etc.

Just let us know!


foxfabi's picture

The spot that was expected is showed by clicking the "Show Solution" button. It will be usefull to add some additional setting, so the user can set the percentage needed to pass (green, considered to be 100% correct) or when the red, orange and yellow icons are used. The same settings are used to calculate points and answeredCorrect status (max. is 1000Km). Currently i have added xAPI mehods but i do not have an environment to test it and i'm not sure if it was implemented correctly.

i think other people will also be happy to use the H5P.GeoQuiz so I will go the necessary way.

lg, fab!

otacke's picture

Hi fab!

You're welcome! Shame on me. I didn't check the show solution button :-) I am so used to GeoGuessr ...

We can have a look at the xAPI implementation in the code review, but it's very simple to check even without a LRS attached. If you open your browser's dev console (and choose the correct iframe as context), you can just listen for xAPI events using e.g.

H5P.externalDispatcher.on('xAPI', function (event) {

Could be in the cpnstructor of your code for testing, too.

I have created a ticket that you can track to see progress. You'll receive feedback from Jelena directly, I assume.


p. s.: And don't abandon Jeopardy ;-)

foxfabi's picture

Thanks Oliver,

Didn't notice the given debug way. I have tested the H5P.GeoQuiz in a column content and as standalone task and all seems to work fine.
Looking forward to the feedback.


P.S.: Now that i know what i have to change, i will hopefully adjust Jeopardy accordingly soon :)

otacke's picture

Hi foxfabi!

You're more than welcome! New content types are among my favorite contributions to H5P :-D


foxfabi's picture

All issues reported by jelena are fixed:

  • Distinction between “correct” and “user answered” pins
  • The size of the map use now a ration of 16:9 (was 21:9)
  • “Show solution” now reset the map zoom and map center, so the viewer know where the correct answer is.
  • “Search location by its name” - Omitted the protocol (scheme) querying photon.komoot.de in order to preserve the one of the current page
  • Moved map type selection to H5P.coordinateSelector for map preview
  • Added all countries and sorted alphabetical
  • Fixed z-index while the map inside the editor is showing on top of a “Metadata” popup.
otacke's picture

Hi foxfabi!

You and others can track the code review progress at https://h5ptechnology.atlassian.net/browse/HFP-2436.


Is there a way to create interactive h5P layers over google street maps, or open street maps?