Content for Journal Entries (Accounting Exercise)

I am trying to find a way to create an interactive exercise for our students. We are practicing journal entries.

For each question, we present the student with a transaction and they must answer: 

Account to debit: dropdown where they must select the correct account 

Amount to debit: Enter the $ amount

Account to credit: dropdown where they must select the correct account

Amount to credit: Enter the $ amount

Does anyone have any idea how I can go about creating this with H5P? If not, any other resource that may help me? I am fairly new to all this but have had some good success so far creating other question types with H5P!

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BV52's picture

Hi financeyou,

I don't think there is a content that has the feature that you are describing above. Although this is a good idea and I've moved your post to the feature request forum.
