BadgeOS intergration

I was just creating some badges for my schools Wordpress site and BadgeOS integrates with the LMS plugin that we are using (LearnDash) and I was wondering if there is any plan for H5P integration? I would love badges to be awarded after successfully completing H5P quizzes, etc.

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icc's picture

Currently, the H5P plugin focuses on the content part and therefore provides an API(xAPI/tincan) for other plugins to track the results that the content generates. H5P tries to be neutral and provide all results tracking systems with the equal opportunity for tracking results. It does not seem likely that the H5P plugin will ever provide integration with any single result tracking plugin.
I'm afraid you will have to wait for BadgeOS to add support for H5P content, or for someone to create a third party plugin that provides this.

@ Quasii 

I was wondering if Badge OS plugin worked fine with H5P, if not what was the laternative ?

Many thanks in advance

Nope. As ICC said there isn't integration at the moment. 

My work around was just not to have badges for the H5P content. I replaced all the end of unit quizzes with LearnDash quizzes (since I was already using LD as my LMS plugin) as that has BadgeOS intergretion.

Sorry, I can't be more helpful.


icc's picture

It appears some people have gotten the myCRED plugin working with H5P Content – this should be able to provide you with tools you need to get badges. 


Thanks ICC.

Much appreciated.


saadiqbal's picture

Now you can install simple free myCred addon to integrate with H5P - 


Thanks ICC, I installed MyCRED, it is certainly a great plugin for giving points to users, also give badges when users reach a certain amount of points. 

The only issue is it is not possible to give badges when user finish H5P quiz (in the form of H5P question set or presentation ).

Is it possible to link MYCRED to H5P in any way ?

Thanks in advance

icc's picture

Yes, if you follow the link I provided you'll see that rpetitto has created a plugin that creates a "hook" for H5P content to register points with myCRED. If you activate the plugin and configure this "hook" you should be able to provide badges based on the result of H5P content.

I just learned of Gamipress. Most comments suggest it's better than BageOS in many ways, including integration with H5P, buddypress, bbpress, learndash and other. Worth taking a look. Please share your experiences.

icc's picture

Thank you for sharing. Will look into this.

Yes, I have Gamipress and H5P working together on Wordpress (inside LearnDash)--works great.

Does it work only with LearnDash install? Or can you run it with just in WordPress with the Gamipress and H5P integration plugins? As, I'm having trouble getting it working.

Trying to get this working with WordPress with no success so far. Did anyone manage to do it?

It certainly looks like it will do the job. Thanks guys much appreciated.