Quizzes in Course Presentation Overriding All Users Scores


I have a course presentation with a series of questions embedded into it. Users can complete the questions fine and get the correct score on the summary tab. The issue is that the grade which appears in Moodle gets overwritten by the next users score, so all students show as having the last person to complete the activitys' score. If I go to the report for each student in the Moodle gradebook, then their individual results are still there but this is not what is supposed to happen surely? I have attached the file for perusal.

We are using Moodle 3.3.1 and all H5P libraries etc are up to date.



BV52's picture

Hi Colin,

I am unable to reproduce the issue that you described above (screenshot of the gradebook attached). Do you have a srcreenshot of what you would usually see? Also does this happen only with this particular content or any graded content? Lastly can you try enabling the "Save Content State" in H5P's settings and see if this will help.



I must apologise. My theme has moved the link to view the grades to another location. In my tired state I was looking at Gradebook Setup and not the Grader Report, which displays as per your screenshot. Thanks for your help.


BV52's picture

Hi Colin,

I'm glad that you found what you are looking and if you need further assistance feel free to post in the forums.
