Remix and use content created by others

imps's picture

Is it possible to copy or clone other people's shared content so that we can remix/ edit and use? I have found some great stuff that you all have created that I would like to use!


Karin Pfister

Learning Designer, Charles Darwin University

BV52's picture

Hi Karin,

Yes this is possible by downloading the content and uploading it to your account. As long as the download button has been enabled by the author. I would suggest that we ask for the authors permission as a courtesy :-)


imps's picture


yep that's the issue, some of the content I have found does not have the download nor embed buttons enabled. Is there a way to contact that author to ask permission? Here is the link to what I have found and would like to use:

created by BMA-PEN user

BV52's picture

Hi Karin,

If the commenting is turned on for the content you can leave them a message or as you have done here. I apologize direct messaging is turned off to avoid abuse.
