Safeshare video links

7Mindsets's picture


Is there away to display safeshare video in H5P?  YouTube has ads and other stuff that may not be appropriate for schools.  I tried to add a safeshare video link but I get this message

Thank you!


BV52's picture

Hi Mahmoud,

Youtube has a special way of handling videos which make it easier to show in H5Ps but this doesn't mean that other hosting services cannot be used. To do this you need to get the URL for the video file not the player, having said this it usually ends with an MP4 or webm.


7Mindsets's picture

Hi PV52,

Thank you for your response. Is it possible to use the iframe embedder in course presentation?  That will be a great feature.  If not, is it possible to view a website/webpage direclty inside the course presentation?

Thank you!


BV52's picture

Hi Mahmoud,

There has been some discussions regarding adding Iframe embedder in Course Presentation and you can read about it here. Regarding viewing a website this is not possible.


7Mindsets's picture

Thank you!