Bulk Export / Import between WP sites


I don't think the following is currently possible, so could you please provide a quote to do the following for a Wordpress Multisite.

1. In Wordpress admin have a 'Bulk Export' button.

2. Clicking that takes you to a page with a drop down of the blogs you have admin access to.

3. You select a blog and click export

4. All H5P objects in the existing site are copied to the new site with the same IDs

Why is this useful?

Each module has it's own wordpress site. At the end of each academic year we create a new site for the new academic year and export all Wordpress content over. This doesn't inlude H5P as its got its own database and is not a 'custom post' type.

Please let me know if you think this is possible, and if so could you send me a quote. Many thanks.

I'd also be happy to create this functionality myself but may have some queries about database entries and dependencies
e.g. If we simply clone the H5P database tables for a wordpress site to another site would this work? 
And if so what happens if we haven't 'activated' the content type for existing content.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Alex Furr

wordpress multisite export feature request
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icc's picture

Hi Alex,

This sounds like a really great idea, and I feel that it could be useful in many different scenarios.
If you "just" clone all the tables(except results and userdata) and copy the h5p folder that should be enough, but there are many dependencies and a risk that something might break. An ideal solution would be a process where you can verify each content.

If we are to add this to the H5P plugin we should also consider an even more flexible solution, e.g. if we create a web API/service for doing this you could bulk export all the content between different sites as well as for multi-sites. This would, of course, require a URL that contains an access key, but I imagine that a lot of the processes would be the same.
Any thoughts on this?

New here, and love the tools & opportunities. I find myself wanting to copy an H5P construct then make a few modifications to create a similar but new tool. 

BV52's picture

Hi jjhil,

Welcome to H5P!

These documentations are a good place to start :-)
