Drag and drop only allowing me to drag into correct position

Can anyone help me figure out what I am doing wrong with my drag and drop?  Each time I try to drag and drop it only lets me drag it into the correct spot.  Is there a setting I have wrong so that the word that I am dragging will go into incorrect boxes as well?

It is slide 5 on this content: https://h5p.org/node/225582


BV52's picture

Hi biemrac,

When creating a Drag and Drop content, the drop zones' setting determines the correct answer and the draggables' settings determines which dropzones you drop them. Having said this you need to edit the draggables and place a check on all drop zones. Attached is the edited content, please double check the drop zones because I'm not really sure which are the correct answers.


kmcdowell@serc.ac.uk's picture

I'm having the same problem and I attempted this skin task, I want students to be able to drop incorrectly and their score reflect this.  In my drag and drop they can only drag to correct position, or it bounces back.  In this skin example it only lets me drop in to correct position then marks me incorrect?

BV52's picture


Please make sure that the settings of your draggables (text/image) have all the drop zones checked. Please see screenshots from biemrac below.


What I am seeing when I go into the original one is that I have four text options but when I go to match them to the drop zone only one text option shows up to choose from (which is the correct one).  How do I get all 4 text options to show up so that each textbox can be dragged into whichever drop zone the students chooses whether it is correct or incorrect?

I realized that on the textbox options that checking all the boxes indicates that all the words can go in any box rather than indicating the correct answer. 


BV52's picture

Hi biemrac,

I'm glad you found what you are looking. You can also check the tutorials if ever you get lost. If you have further questions feel free to post in the forums.
