Moodle: Delete result

Dear community!
I hope I am not making a fool out of myself, but I can't figure out how to delete a single result (see attachment) on Moodle from an online presentation with questions... :-|

Furthermore, it would be important to have the item set back to blank in the progress bar as well... 

Thanks for any help or hint!



Content types: 
thomasmars's picture

Hi, to delete a single result in Moodle, please refer to Moodle documentation:, as all grading/results are handled by the Moodle gradebook API.

If you're referring to content user data state in the second part of your question, there's no way to reset the state for a single user through the user interface. You would either have to delete their data directly through your database in the hvp_content_user_data table. Other approaches like editing the content will also remove the content user state, but this will remove it for all users. Similarly removing the save content user data setting in the plugin settings will remove the content user data, but this will remove it for all users for all content.

Hope this helps clarify.
Best regards, Thomas

Thank you.
I was hoping that there was an easier way to do that.

All the best,