Use h5p in Opigno (Drupal)

I have created h5p content for user administrator,and I can find it in user administrator, but I do not find the h5p content in other users.How I can find it? or what is wrong?

I have created h5p content for user administrator,and I can find it in user administrator, but I can not find the h5p content in other users.How I can find it? or what is wrong?

cperg's picture

there are permissions - if this is not the issue please leave more details about your setup

I have read the permissions, but too much,I have been messed up.
I have set Parent item as my course, But I cannot find h5p content in my couse.
The user's roles is set to authenticated user,student manager and forum administrator.
Can you tell me your your setup,Thank You.

Hi, this seems to be a bit opigno specific. Perhaps you can get help on the opigno website?

Did you get the answer to your problem?

Did you get the solution to your problem?

Go to the permissions page admin/people/permissions and give them the permission.

"Edit question titles" to respective role 

BV52's picture

Hi akanksha,

Good to hear you found the solution and thank you for sharing it.
