IE 11 Windows 8.1 touch screen

Hi there,
we're developing a touch screen app with H5P and WordPress. We're having a problem with a client running IE 11 Windows 8.1 touch screen. Full screen mode and mouse interactions works fine but drag and drop does not work in iframes using touch screens.
This seams to be an IE issue - has anyone had any experience with this?

icc's picture

This might be related to jQuery.ui since it's used for the dragging and dropping.

Thanks icc!
We found a solution. It certainly was jQuery.ui and IE related.
It turns out that IE10+ has "native" touch-events which is overriding jQuery.ui.
There is an IE10 specific CSS settings called -ms-touch-action. Setting its value to 'none' will suppress the default IE10+ behavior and pass the gestures on to the jQuery.ui event handler.

I found the solution here:

And added this to the css:
-ms-touch-action:none !important;

Best regards

and thanks for sharing. We'll probably add this to the relevant libraries.

icc's picture

This fix has been added to H5P's jQuery UI library, and will be a part of the next release. Thanks for making H5P better for everyone!