Separate Group Function for h5p Quizzes on Moodle

english.elearning's picture
I am having 1 issue I would like to ask about regarding the lack of the "separate groups" option on Moodle for teachers to be able to check student completion on an activity set as homework. I was wondering if this feature would be developed soon because it's pretty essential for if teachers want to review student progress or to give them a participation score based on homework completion. Without the separate groups function, it's very difficult for a non-editing teacher to monitor student progress as they will see the entire cohort of students from all class groups for this particular Moodle module. I would really like to see this addition!

I noticed that in Moodle when I have created an h5p quiz activity, when you scroll down, you can the tab “Common Module Setting” and as per usual, you can change it to "separate groups" but without the link the says "Attempts" that takes teachers to the report page, there is no way for teachers to click “separate groups from the dropdown menu to display a report showing only their students' progress.

Is there something that I need to do to fix this or is this feature still under development?

Thank you!


Is there any chance of this feature being developed soon?

Separate Group Function for h5p Quizzes on Moodle
Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
thomasmars's picture

I'm not sure that I understand what you're missing. When I have set up separate groups I can see the separate groups in the gradebook and from there select the group I want to see the results of. From this page I can also access all reports for my group. Can you elaborate on what is missing and how I can reproduce this ?

Do you want to show an activity for only one of the groups belonging to the course ?

Yes, how do you do that? And how do make sure that one group only is able to see 1 part of the content? 

thomasmars's picture

This is all handled by the Moodle Core, but here is how you can do it:
Set up groups for the Course, this should be familiar, otherwise see
Then for the activity you want to set group settings for go to "Common module settings", set "Availability" -> "Show on course page" and "Group mode" -> "Separate groups". Then go to "Restrict access" and set student "must" match the following Group "*you group here*"