Beading games together through final url
When all h5p apps would have the option to provide a final screen, it would become possible to bead a string of apps.
I could for instance start with an interactive video, and when the learner has finished it, I could present an url pointing to a memory game to check the knowledge gained in the video. After the memory I could present another url pointing to a drag and drop game, to check understanding. And so on and so on.
Would it be much work to add such an option to the apps? I hope the answer is no. Once the option is relaized for one app, I can image it can be easily copied to the rest.
I am curious to hear what other people think of this idea.
Wed, 11/29/2017 - 08:26
Hi Martijn,This is a very
Hi Martijn,
This is a very good idea and this can open a lot of possiblities :-)