Interactive video in course presentation problem
Submitted by bevangg on Tue, 04/28/2015 - 18:32
I have noticed a problem with interactive videos in the course presentation module. When you load the presentation the video controls will not appear. Nothing happens unless you click the more information icon, then the video will immediately play. This does not appear to happen immediately but after it has been saved for a day.
I am using Drupal Opigno.
Wed, 04/29/2015 - 08:39
I believe this has been fixed
Wed, 04/29/2015 - 08:53
Problem upgrading opigno
Hi Falcon
Thanks for the reply. I did attempt to update opigno and h5p but it would not allow me to. If I download upgrades.h5p or libraries.h5p opigno comes up with an error saying that it is running h5p version 1.4 and the modules require 1.5 so I am stuck at that point.
I will contact the opigno team today and let them know about the issue.
Best regards
Wed, 04/29/2015 - 12:07
All fixed
Hi Falcon
I contacted the Opigno team and they helped me update etc so all working again.
Here is their reply in case it is of help to anybody else:
Thanks for the prompt help, the new H5P modules look really good, I look forward to trying the new features.
Best regards
Tue, 05/05/2015 - 18:50
Tue, 05/05/2015 - 19:10
Hi Falcon
Seems there are not a lot of tutorials on youtube for H5P. I have done one experimentally, tried to make it as simple as possible to show how easy it is to use.
Please let me know:
1. Should I stop making videos
2. If not how I could improve them
I have identified that it would be better to break the video with static slides than screen record an interactive video, it gets confusing with two mice.
The latest modules are brilliant, greatly improved.
Best regards
Wed, 05/06/2015 - 13:28
Superb! I love your videos.
Superb! I love your videos. Please continue making them. It was indeed quite confusing that this is a video of an interactive video. A creative way to do it, but I was confused and others not familiar with interactive video will probably be more confused.
I would also love to publish those interactive videos on We could consider adding them on top of the current tutorials. Are you willing and interested in contributing your work to documentation?
Wed, 05/06/2015 - 20:53
Hi Falcon
I would gladly do some more videos and will make a bit more effort now I know that it will be worthwhile. Of course you are welcome to use them on the H5P website or any other way you want.
For a start I will redo the drag and drop video with slides and transitions and post you the result. Any chance you could send me high res pngs, or even better, svgs,of the h5p and opigno logos and the h5p content type icons? I was planning to incorporate them in the tutorials but what I can get from google images is relatively lo resolution. I can crack on with what I have got and will have the revised video done before the weekend.
Best regards and TTYL
Thu, 05/07/2015 - 15:27
Great! I've asked Magnus to
H5P Group
Thu, 05/07/2015 - 16:18
Icons and logos
Attached is the requested graphics in svg format, except for the Opigno logo which is in png format (got from a Google image search).
Fri, 05/08/2015 - 20:36
Got the intro done
Hi Guys
Doing this was a bit more of a challenge than I had expected, I was hoping to have a full tutorial for the drag and drop done by now but unfortunately have not even got half way. What I have done is to bring the graphics that you posted (thanks!) and begin to build a framework for the presentations. This is what I have completed so far:
It is actually a template that could be used to introduce anything but in this example is for the drag and drop. I have also created a template for information slides to add comments and highlights to the videos and will eventually dub a voice-over when everything else is acceptable.
If all goes well I will update tomorrow.
Best regards
Mon, 05/11/2015 - 11:26
Looks very cool and promising
Looks very cool and promising!
For pure H5P tutorials we might want to leave out the Opigno logo? I love to spread the word about Opigno on but there are lots of users on other Drupal distributions and Wordpress as well and they might be confused by the Opigno logo. I guess the opigno specific info is the same for all H5P content types so maybe that could go into a separate video with both logos and the H5P specific stuff could use only the H5P logo?