Missing Image Content Type
Submitted by [email protected] on Tue, 09/19/2017 - 19:19
Hello, it seems I've had different results when installing h5p on drupal 7. I'm looking to use Image Hotspots with images for hotspots. On my local computer I was able to get the following (h5p-libraries.PNG). I am able to use Image Hotspot with images (hotspotimg.png).
However, I've programatically enabled h5p and h5peditor on drupal for a different server, but am missing libraries (h5p-libraries-cpdev.PNG), more so the Image content type. Is there a way to get these on to my remote server?
Missing Image Content Type in remote server, but not local
Wed, 09/20/2017 - 09:34
Hi, you can download the
Hi, you can download the example that contains an image from H5P.org ( https://h5p.org/image-hotspots#example=63175 ) and upload it to your server. This will install the missing Image library.
Thanks for reporting this, we'll try to figure out a better solution for installing sub-content-types for the future.
[email protected]
Wed, 09/20/2017 - 21:13
Looks like it's working.
Thanks, I've downloaded that example .h5p file and I now see the Image context. I'll try it out on both my server environments.