Missing Image Content Type

Hello, it seems I've had different results when installing h5p on drupal 7. I'm looking to use Image Hotspots with images for hotspots. On my local computer I was able to get the following (h5p-libraries.PNG). I am able to use Image Hotspot with images (hotspotimg.png).

However, I've programatically enabled h5p and h5peditor on drupal for a different server, but am missing libraries (h5p-libraries-cpdev.PNG), more so the Image content type. Is there a way to get these on to my remote server?

Missing Image Content Type in remote server, but not local
thomasmars's picture

Hi, you can download the example that contains an image from H5P.org ( https://h5p.org/image-hotspots#example=63175 ) and upload it to your server. This will install the missing Image library.
Thanks for reporting this, we'll try to figure out a better solution for installing sub-content-types for the future.

Thanks, I've downloaded that example .h5p file and I now see the Image context. I'll try it out on both my server environments.