How can we make the H5P Editor even better?

H5P is a community driven project, and feedback from the community is a vital contribution in the development of H5P. Please help make the H5P editor even better!

An upgrade of the design and functionality of the generic H5P editor has been proposed by Joubel. See the interactive hotspots below for a quick overview of some proposed new features. 


Here are the highlights of the upgrade proposal:

  1. The height of the editor is minimized to fit more information above the fold in your browser while editing.
  2. All elements of the editor have been grouped into collapsible sections, which makes it easier to get an overview and hide sections that are not in your focus.
  3. All but the essential sections collapse when the editor loads in order to highlight the most vital input fields and a more dynamic information load.
  4. A "distraction free" editing mode, where the editor is viewed in fullscreen and everything but the actual editor is hidden temporarily.
  5. On/off switches to turn additional features on/off. E.g. to enable an Introduction in a Question set, you switch on the Introduction and this section will expand.
  6. Improved media handling, which gives you the option to embed media from a URL and insert media from a library of already uploaded files.
  7. All editable GUI text are grouped together in a section called "Translations".
  8. General improvement in grouping fields and functionality in the editor. E.g. all settings are grouped together in a section called "Settings".

You can find some screenshots below with more details. 

Please comment below to have your saying. Your feedback is much appreciated.



Image 1: Overview. On/off switches to turn on additional options. Editor height is minimized and provides better focus and quicker access to vital options. 



Image 2: Comparison with existing editor


Image 3: Improved media handling


What do you think? Let the community know by commenting below!