Content Type

I am attempting to create an interactive video on my desktop using Chrome browser and a YouTube video.  I select the Interactive Video from the H5P hub and add the video link and then save.  I get the error message "You must choose an H5P content type or upload an H5P file".  I tried it in Safari with the same results.  It doesn't seem to recognise that a content type was chosen or there's something specifically wrong with the Interactive Video content type.  (see attached images).  Appreciate your assistance.

Kind regards,



icc's picture

Hi, this is a known bug. You'll have to press 'Step 2 – Add interactions' before you press the save button.

We've made a fix for the issue, but haven't released it yet. It should be right around the corner.
Thank you for letting us know.

I am experiencing the same problem,  I get the error message "You must choose an H5P content type or upload an H5P file". 
I am using Drupal 7.95 and the last version of the H5P module.
I have tried on Chrome and Firefox, and the problem appear on both.
