image pairing

Image pairing errors using Microsoft Edge Windows 10 Home


I've created an image pairing exercise wit the latest H5P-Wordpress-Plugin. It works well with ipad, Android tablet, Microsoft Surface and on MAC OSX iMac / MacBook. However, a display problem occurs under Windows 10 (Home BUild 18363.1256) and the current browser Edge.

The error occurs while working on the exercise. The two cards of a pair in the right part of a screen cannot be seen overlapping (as is usually the case), but one below the other. This leads to incorrect assignments. The display appears "shot up".

Changing Dialog Cards / Image Pair Content


A couple of features I would like to pay to develop on existing Content Types.

1. For the Dialog Cards conetnt type I would like to remove the Turn button for certain sets of cards that do not have a back side.

2. For the Image Pair content type I would like to have an option to randomize the matches and only display X number at time (similar to how Memory Game works when you set "Number of cards to use.")

Where can I find paid developers to help with customizations like this?

Image pairing: add sound


It is possible to add sound in a memory game.

This way pupils can for instance hear the word on the pictures.

It would be nice to be able to add sound in image pairing too. 

Maybe something that can be developed?



Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
