
Youtube video on safaris through h5p

Hi there!

I have a 3 hour long mp4 video on youtube that I need to use h5p bookmarks to help my viewers to walk through it.

So I tried to use interactive video for it. It went smoothly and did the job well done!

But the thing is, safari browsers - ios and mac - keep saying that the video is unavailable. all the other browsers seem fine.

Im using wordpress. When I try to embed the same video straight through a youtube link, safari can load it. When h5p comes, safari wont load the video.

Switching Between Video Qualities

We've been using Zoom to record interviews.  Zoom provides two video files: gallery and speaker views.  I've been uploading both files and allowing viewers to switch between "qualities".  However, a useful feature would be the ability to trigger which "video quality" the viewer sees based on time code.  So for instance when there's rapid successive discussion, we could cut to gallery view and when the conversation becomes more monologue switch to speaker view.

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

support for as a source for videos in h5p-video


I'm working at Werft22 AG, the company behind We provide a film platform used by many schools in Switzerland.

Many of our customers have asked us for a way of making videos interactive using h5p. We have developed a patch that does this.

Tobias Reischmann, the developer of the patch has added a pull request to the h5p-video project on Github:, and I commented on it, but we have not gotten any reaction.
