
how to save user data / current state


Hello my yet undefined saviour,

I am new to H5P and on the verge to create a new content type.

Experimenting with my test-package worked good so far but now I am in despair, trying to implement the functionality to save the content state to make it possible to return to the exercise later.

Please correct me at the following things:

H5P Interactive Content Won't Install


I am running Moodle 4.1.  When I am in a course, I am trying to add an activity, choosing Interactive Content.  I am trying to install 'Course Presentation' by click on 'Get'.  I click on 'Install' and it displays 'Installing'.  It goes back to the Adding Content page without installing the content.  It will also not save.   Has anyone seen this and know what the issue is?

H5P y blogs

Buenos días. Soy docente de la Cosejería de Educación de Canarias. Tengo un blog de profesorado y en un curso que estoy haciendo de competencia digital me mandan a hacer una actividad con H5P. Al seguir los pasos para activar la herramienta, me sale la siguiente notificación y no entiendo por qué. ¿Qué debo hacer?
