
Quiz (Question Set) on Interactive Video

MarcyH's picture

Hello. I apologize if this has already been addressed, but I did a bit of searching in the forums and was only able to find a couple of requests for this feature. We have several hour-long videos in which we would like to add quizzes into specific sections throughout the video, where the user must complete all questions before proceeding to watch the next segment. Our alternative is to break up the videos into smaller clips and then add a quiz at the end of each - which is what we will have to do until this feature is available.

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

Unable to install h5p on Moodle 3.5

Hi i downloaded and tried to install the h5p plugin into a moodle installation db collation of my moodle is utf8_general_ci

Here is the error I am getting - how can this be fixed I cant see any solutions in



Upgrading to new version


DDL sql execution error

More information about this error

Creating an "End of Quiz" link to move forward

khewss's picture


I've been using the Quiz options in H5P in my Moodle (v3.8) portal to create quizzes. However, I've found that whenever students complete their quizzes, they would have to close that browser window, in order to get back to the previous tabbed page. 

Is there a way to put a URL link at the end of the quiz, so students can "just click" to move forward to another topic/quiz or wherever I'd want them to move forward to? Although this is available in the Interactive Video option, where I can set a pop up window at the end of a video that allows URLs to be linked.
