Mark the Words

Audio file in 'Mark the Words'?


For sound discrimination practice it would be great to be able to reference an mp3 or mp4 file for the 'mark the words' activity.

eg "For each question you will hear one word. Click on the word you heard: ship or sheep

Could this be added?


Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

Mark the Word - select 1 word only in a sentence

As a teacher of English I am trying to replicate the exercises found on the French grammar site: Projet Voltaire .  using Mark the Words.

I want it to be possible for students to:

Identify the error in a sentence by selecting a single word from all the words in a sentence or to select "no error" option.

Then the confirmation of correct /incorrect choice appears with an explanation of the grammar point being tested.

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

Unwanted asterisks in Mark the Words

akud's picture

Dear all,

we experienced a problem creating a Mark the Words (1.7.5) activity from inside Column (1.5.4), using Windows and Chrome.

I tried rewriting it from scratch (Mac, Chrome), and it resulted in the same error. Just to give another shot, I've created a new (and only) Mark the Words content (i.e. without Column), but the error came out again. 

Basically, we have marked some compound verbs (e.g. "She *will take off* her makeup", "You *were looking for* his gloves"). So in some cases they work, but in others they don't.
