Interactive Video

Start Interactive video without close captions


I have created an interactive video on Moodle and added two closed captions in english and spansh. However, when students start the video, I don't want subtitles to appear directly, I want that students choose themselves if they want them or need them. But when the video starts the captions appear.

Is it possible to achieve this? 

I'll attach an image.


Thank you!

field:group:wizard:interactiveVideo Error

We recently upgraded to Moodle 3.10.1+ from 3.9.1+ and the following error has been now been reported by some of our teachers 'field:group:wizard:interactiveVideo' when trying to create a new Interactive Video. We are not sure if this directly related to the upgrade or whether the issue was already there but had not as yet been reported.

We had hoped that importing the example Interactive Video would have rectified the issue, however instead we get an unable to interpret response.

Has anyone experienced an error similar to this before and if so, how was it resolved.

Youtube video on safaris through h5p

Hi there!

I have a 3 hour long mp4 video on youtube that I need to use h5p bookmarks to help my viewers to walk through it.

So I tried to use interactive video for it. It went smoothly and did the job well done!

But the thing is, safari browsers - ios and mac - keep saying that the video is unavailable. all the other browsers seem fine.

Im using wordpress. When I try to embed the same video straight through a youtube link, safari can load it. When h5p comes, safari wont load the video.
