Interactive Video

Important!!! Drag and Drop not working with touch screen/smart board. Help please...

None of the H5P drag-and-drop content types work on the SmartBoard. I tried using Google Chrome, Mozilla, Internet Explorer. Is there a way to fix this or any workaround to get it working on a SmartBoard? I have implemented all the solution suggestions at The result has not changed. I also tried it on different operating systems such as windows, linux. The result has not changed. This problem needs to be resolved immediately.

Different playback speeds for interactive videos

It would be great if there were more playback speed options closer to the 1.0 (normal speed). For instance, 0.5 is way too slow and 1.25 is way too fast.  It would be good if we could have access to options like 0.9 and 1.1.  

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

H5P plugin error

Hello, please help me.

I am really happy with h5p plugin in my moodle. I can add some interactive media to my course.

But since last night until now, I can't add interactive video to my course, when I went to the content bank to add the interactive video, it looks like something was wrong.

It was not going anywhere, just say "loading, please wait..." 

I've waited for 15 minutes and nothing changed.

I used chrome browser.

Please, help me. Thank you
