Interactive Video

to use the multilang filter in Moodle


What I miss is the multilanguage capability in Moodle to use the multilang filter
would it be possible  to use it for H5P?It would allow to the interactive video texts to be displayed in the language used in Moodle THanks for the great tool!! 


Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

Interactive Video submit screen button negates purpose of disabling navigation

I just discovered that the current implementation of the "submit screen" defeats the purpose (for us, anyway) of the "Prevent skipping forward in a video" feature. Essentially, users can now access the submit screen at any time, even if they have not watched the entire video or reached the point in the timeline where the submit screen was inserted. I'm marking this as a bug rather than a feature request because this new feature has essentially broken a previously working feature (that my organization partially funded).

Latest Interactive Video broke xAPI code

I recently upgraded the interactive videos on my site to the latest version, and have discovered that the custom xAPI code I was using to check if the user answered all of the questions correctly or not has stopped working. I turned on showing the xAPI event statement in the console, but I do not see why my code would not still work. Here is a snippet of the code I'm using:
