Interactive Video

Interactive video:WordPress Plugin: Prevent Multiple Submissions


We have multiple interactive videos hosted on our e-learning wordpress site each with a different type of questions embedded in them.

Is there a way to restrict students from doing multiple submissions of their answers? It is okay for them to go back to view the video again and retry questions but do not want them to resubmit answers as that would defeat the purpose of evaluation we have setup.

Currently WordPress H5P plugin is allowing users to submit answers on every attempt and is showing the most recent scores in 'My Results' page. Appreciate your help on this.

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Interactive Video: Embed problem


I use Interactive Video for different purposes. Since the update to the latest version 1.13.1 (and the update of the content type within the software), something has changed:

I used to be able to disable the lower toolbar in my content settings (including the "Show embed button" function) and still embed the video on my own website with the official embed code.

Screenshot 1:

Cannot find the download button in Interactive video settings

Hello Colleagues,

I hope you are doing well today. I have just installed H5P in our Moodle site and I started by using the Interactive video content type. I noticed in the interactive video settings that the download button is not there.

Can you please guide me to where the download button is? I want our users to have the option to download course videos if they want.

Thank you.
