Iframe Embedder

iframe Embedder with Vimeo in iOS


I know the Vimeo domain privacy issue has been discussed here several times. I'm using Vimeo pro however I don't want to use video direct link as H5P reveals it in the inspect element. Plus Vimeo benefit besides transcoding is domain-level privacy. 

So I'm using h5p Column with iFrame Embedder and a quiz. This works fine on Desktop. I able to embed Vimeo videos with this URL in iframe embedder activity;

Quotation to improve Branching scenario and-or Course presentation with iframe embeder



I would like to know if it could be possible to add iframe embedder in course presentation & branching scenario, in order to use them in Moodle.

(The goal is to to be able to use some Moodle activity with iframe in H5P (course presentation & / or branching scenario), to allow for example to upload an odt, doc or ods xls in a assignment activity embedded in H5P - please note that this solution maybe need that Moodle could give iframe url of these activities, we are investigating this, and this is not asked for this quotation).

Iframe embedder - no permissions, no relative paths

5okrates's picture

Iframe embedder (1.0.22) doesn't allow to use permissions on iframes. This permanently and irreversibly blocks functionality of recording audio and video inside iframes. At least in Chrome. Thus I consider it a bug, not a feature request. For more information see: https://dev.chromium.org/Home/chromium-security/deprecating-permissions-in-cross-origin-iframes
