Drag the Words

Drag the words buttons don't scroll vertically with page

rhodehamelr's picture

I just added a 5 paragraph essay to the Drag the Words activity and added a number of items for the students to identify the parts of an essay.

The "buttons" (the phrases that need to be dragged to their slot) do not scroll with the page when have to scroll vertically to find the corresponding slot to drag into. The students would not be able to complete the activity.  This makes Drag the Words nearly useless in my opinion. 

PB compatibility with cookiePro

Hello everyone,

I have a compatibility issue I think with a cookie manager, OneTrust. 

I'm not sure if it's a good idea to use the cookie manager or not, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea to use the cookie manager or not, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea to use the cookie manager or not. I have my iframe, but it is empty, no content. Do you think there is a problem loading between the 2? Have you ever had a problem like this? 

It bothers me greatly.... 

Thank you for your advice. 





I want to make some changement in librairies functions, I use the WP plugin. I've made my changes in local in Upload > H5P >cacheassets in JS it's good in local but it's impossible to change the JS file in FTP. Have you got some advice for me? 



Coralie BAUDRY
