Colour Bug - Drag and Drop Exercise
We are experiencing issues with the Drag and Drop exercise function. The problem is that correct results are shown in a purple colour.
We are experiencing issues with the Drag and Drop exercise function. The problem is that correct results are shown in a purple colour.
I got a question from a user who described issues with using Drag the Words for longer choices (sentence length) the drag selection was continually returned on their attempt (no example provided). I did advise the usual suggesion that it is meant for words or phrases and suggest a different content type.
But I was curious to test it myself, here is a quick example I uploade
Having created a simple Drag and Drop activité, and despite following the Drag and Drop Tutorial (, the verify button always reports incorrect answers (and shows the '-1' symbol over each of the movable objects despite having dragged the answers to their pre-designated drop zones.
Moodle 3.8.8+ (Build 20210507) is hosting a H5P plugin version 1.22.3 (mod_hvp 2021061100).
Any help would be welcome.
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