
How to combine text field with multiple choice in one question?

I am new to H5P (but proficient with HTML and CSS if this matters but I think it does not).

Text field and multiple choice

How do I approach situations with several steps. e. g.:

  1. Task: Translate the word "apple" to German and select the category which is most fitting.
  2. Input: Freeform text field with validation.
  3. Multiple Choice: fruit, vegetable, pasta, meat, milk, sweets

How do I build a task like this?

This is just the most simple combination question I can think of. Here are some more complex things I would like to build:

Define line break replacement toggle - Essay


The Essay content type just got an update that allows for the ability to turn off line break replacement. See

Could the Essay content type on H5P be upgraded to 1.5.7?


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