Option to Remove Negative Scoring option

This item came up before; was supposed to be added to Request Forum but I don't see it - must be buried.

I'm trying to encourage adoption of H5p at my school.

The auto-deduction of points on mult-correct answer activities is problematic. 

I worked with a teacher today who created a bunch of multi-answer kinds of questions: drag and drop, multiple answer, mark the words - they all deduct points. As a teacher, she is adamant about not wanting to deduct points for wrong answers. So, she told me that she won't be using the activities in her course. 

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

Dictaction - result.success in xAPI statement is always false

Michael Dajewski's picture

xAPI statement example:

actor: {...}
verb: {id: "", display: {…}}
object: {...}
context: {...}
score: {min: 0, max: 14, raw: 14, scaled: 1}
completion: true
success: false

Even if result.scale.scaled is 1 the result success is false.

The 'Behavioural settings' in editor have no impact.

Remove old content types from Moodle

Hello there, I was wondering if any of you knew how to remove content types previously installed in Moodle.

I haven't found any option to do so from Moodle itself, and I was wondering whether it could be done from the server or someplace else.

The question arose when one of my teachers noted that some of the content types we have are not listed here anymore:

Does that mean that they won't work properly anymore?
