Dialog cards

Text formatting box flashing

  1. When editting/creating a "dialog cards" activity type, attempt to edit the "Task description" paragraph format. When clicking the drop-down list to change formatting, the box flashes constantly and makes it very hard to select a text format. 
  2. PlutoLMS
  3. Desktop
  4. Chrome, Safari
  5. H5P plugin version
  6. Dialog cards

Unable to see Grade Review in Moodle of H5P


Hi all,

I am using Moodle with H5P Interactive content like Atrimetical Quiz, Course presention and Interactive Videos too (almost all).

But facing issues unable to see Grade review after users attempts atrimetical quizs and others too.

Please help to understand if any configuratio which I missed.

Only Interactive videos review I can see in grades section. 

Dialog cards - option to use image/sound only on second side

Hi, there,

is there any option that in Dialog cards the image would be just a part of the second side - if I choose the image now, it is seen on both sides :(. But in my case, the image would be a part of the answer, so it should be seen only on second page. Also, is there any option that I could use link (html) in text on both sides.

Thank you very much and kind regards,

