Dialog cards

Dialogue Cards > paragraph format menu is jumping


After update to the latest version of Dialogue Cards library, in moodle 3.5.2+, (Dialog Cards (1.7.8) or Dialog Cards (1.8.3))

when I add a new Dialogue Cards > I click on answer text box > click on paragraph format ,

I starts to jump the dropdown menu infinitely and very fast.

The image attached to message and the video file recorded and uploaded here :



Kind Regards

No Audio in Dialog Cards in the Round 2-3-... (Wordpress)

I have noticed, that if you repeat dialog cards with audios, you won't be able to hear the audio as nothing happens. As an illustration I am sending you the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNhLVBANPlU.

Hopefully we could find the solution as soon as possible.

Audio in Dialog Cards

Kcarter's picture

I use dialog cards for medical terminology terms. Students asked if it was possible to have an audio button so that they could hear the pronunciation as they practiced their medical terms. Is this possible? I am currently working on open education resources that includes H5P content. This would be such a great feature and the request came from students. Thank you for your consideration.

