Flashcards - enable text only (no image required)
I would like to be able to create a flashcard using only text, rather than having to upload an image for every card (like I can with dialog cards).
I would like to be able to create a flashcard using only text, rather than having to upload an image for every card (like I can with dialog cards).
Hi I recently upgraded my moodle site from 3.11 to 4.1 and everything went smoothly. I am think though I am going to have to roll it back to 3.11 again because not one of the H5P activities copied over with moodledata and all the courses are devoid of any H5P activities. Before I do a roll back is there an easy way of accessing my H5P content and getting the activities to load in the courses as they were in the 3.11 version of moodle.
I was really excited about upgrading and really thought that H5P was complatible with Moodle 4.11
ich kämpfe mich durch die letzten Wochen dieses Schuljahres und dazu gehört nun mal die Sehenswürdigkeiten Londons zu beackern. Hier ein Teilergebnis. Weil so lange ich noch keinen Zugriff auf den H5P-Hub über WP habe, muss ich das notgedrungen hier einstellen. ;-)
I'm struggling through the last few weeks of this school year, and part of that is getting to see the sights of London. Here is a partial result. As long as I don't have access to the H5P hub via WP, I have to post it here ;-)
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