Find the Words

Error message when lunching activity from course with in moodle

Does anyone have an idea what this error messages is and how to fix it?

Trying to add Find Words to content bank please see message below:

This content is displayed in preview mode. No attempt tracking will be stored.

invalid-library-json-file : Could not find library.json file with valid json format for library H5P.JoubelUI-1.3

Trying to lunch from course please see message below: 

failed-creating-export-file : Coding error detected, it must be fixed by a programmer: Failed to unserialise data from file. Either failed to read, or failed to write.

Find the words


when I put a Find the word field on my website it is cut of if it is wider than 7 letters. How can I change that?

Could I shrink the thingy?

Best regards


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Find The Words

Report from visitor about using on IPhone. Only shows part of word search screen. (The only mod I've made was to change the color of  the words column - otherwise, is right out of the package.)

If I try to emulate phone on Chrome by reducing window, it works down to about 350px wide.

I'd just drop the game but people really liked it.

[h5p id="2"] 
