Branching Scenario

H5P.BranchingScenario, raw_score greater than max_score

Michael Dajewski's picture

While testing BranchingScenario to see if the max score can be different for different branches I have found the case where raw score is greater than max score. This is out of the xAPI specs. 
Please see attached H5P file.
In my feeling it deals with the setting different score for end scren and changing the static to dynamic score. 

Steps to reproduce issue: 

Branching Scenario (next)ContentId in content.json


I am working on a large branching scenario and would like edit this directly in the .h5p file so that I can copy-paste e.g. feedback and connecting branches. Within the .h5p zipfile, all content appears to be defined in the content.json file so that is very promising. However, connecting branches is complicated by an elusive ContentId. 
