interactive book

Interactive Book, the retry button is not available in "essay" type

rhodehamelr's picture

When testing the new Interactive Book, the retry button does not show if I choose "essay" question type. I've tried many different settings but nothing is working. 

The button that shows up is "Check" and I can't seem to disable that. So, if the user clicks "Check" then they are blocked from typing something in the essay answer textbox.

The only way the user can finally get access to the textbox again, is if they leave the whole activity and then go back into it.



Summary inside Interactive Book stops presenting new statements when user gives one wrong answer


I created an interactive book with a Summary component in it. The Summary has 3 (sets of) statements.

When the user visits this page, the only way to go through all (sets of) statements is by picking the correct one every time. As soon as the user selects a wrong statement, the page stops loading the remaining (sets of) statements. That means that if the user picks the wrong option on the first statement, the exercises ends right there.

BTW, I created, previewed and tested the Interactive Book on I have not uploaded it into my Moodle environment yet.

[Interactive Book] Disable skipping chapters


I'd like to request an option to force the users to do the Book chapter by chapter so they cannot "skip" content via menu.

Kind regards

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