interactive book

Image Hotspots in an interactive book on moodle do not show in fullscreen

Hello h5p community

I created an interactive book with h5p on moodle. If I add an image hotspot to a slide it will not show the content in fullscreen. When I exit fullscreen it shows me the content and when I then go to fullscreen it shows me the content as well. The content does not show if I want to go through the whole interactive book course in fullscreen. This issue occurs only with image hotspots. It is as if the image hotspots won't load the first time I open the interactive book in fullscreen.


Image Hotspots in an interactive book on moodle do not show in fullscreen

Hello h5p community

I created an interactive book with h5p on moodle. If I add an image hotspot to a slide it will not show the content in fullscreen. When I exit fullscreen it shows me the content and when I then go back to fullscreen it shows me the content as well. The content does not show if I want to go through the whole interactive book course in fullscreen. This issue occurs only with image hotspots. It is as if the image hotspots won't load the first time I open the interactive book in fullscreen.

Moodle: interactive video within interactive book

Minor bug - In Moodle we've observed when creating an interactive video within an interactive book, that when editing text elements on top of the video they can't be scaled to lie along the exact right and bottom of the video, so a small amount of video peeks out.

Unfortunately I'm not able to share a screenshot due to our agreements on this.

this occurs in both the h5p maintained interactive content tool (version 2021061100) and the Moodle maintained h5p tool 2021051700
