What exactly is a site supporting H5P?


Hi, in https://h5p.org/documentation/for-authors/import-and-export I noticed this part

> Note: You can’t open H5P file on your machine, it has to be uploaded to a site supporting H5P

What exactly is a site supporting H5P? I was hoping to be able to embed an exported H5P authored package in a webpage, use JS+AJAX with xAPI to grab user interactivity, and send it to a backend of my choice for processing. Is this then not possible?


otacke's picture

Hi n2fole00!

It's a site that can run the H5P, e.g. using one of the plugins for WordPress, Drupal or moodle by the core team, one of the plugins for ILIAS, Typo3 or Stud.IP by external contributors, H5P.com, some other form of runtime environment like https://github.com/tunapanda/h5p-standalone or https://github.com/Lumieducation/H5P-Nodejs-library or possibly your own custom platform integration (https://h5p.org/creating-your-own-h5p-plugin).

