Copy h5p video content erros

I was wondering if I could get some information about why an error might be appearing on my h5p. 

I have a number of interactive videos created in h5p and they all work perfectly fine - When I'm trying to copy to the clipboard and then paste into a branching scenario (or into another interactive video module) I get the same error - video format not supported. 

It manages to bring over the title of the video + the quality label, but says that video format is unsupported, where as in the original interactive content element it's working just fine. 

I am using the latest version of chrome on my mac running Catalina v10.15.4 

Wondering if there is a fix for this? Or just have to reupload the video again within the branching scenario? 


Thanks so much, 


Copying interactive video yields video format not supported error
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