Issue with Embedding newly created activities (but not old ones)

I discovered something odd this morning when working with a colleague who has been embedding H5P activities into her course on our Moodle system. The video interaction that she embedded in her course was visible to her, but not to others.  It turned out that when she logged out of, it wasn't visible to her in the course either. I then duplicated the problem using two activities I created in my own account (a video interactivity and a true/false question).

I thought this might be an issue with Moodle, but I experienced the same thing when testing the embeds with a very plain HTML page.

Further experimentation showed that activities created several weeks ago still embedded with no problems.  We are currently running the H5P Moodle Plug-In on our Moodle test server (we are likely to add it to the production server later this year).  I downloaded one of my newly created activities from, and uploaded it to the Moodle test server. It ran without problems there. 

Is there a new Privacy setting on that I haven't found, or is there a bug with embed creation for new interactivities?

Thank you.

icc's picture

We've had a spam filter that has been a little too strict, meaning that some account may have mistakenly been flagged as spammers. The issues should be resolved now, but feel free to share any links you come across with content that is unavailable and we'll try to publish it asap.

The embeds I tested yesterday are all working now.