Integration of GeoGebra applets

GeoGebra is the one computer algebra system with geometric and statistical apps as well that is used in education world-wide, and like H5P it is open source as well and has a large and growing community.

How cool would that be for math teachers: Embed GeoGebra applets like in H5P interactive videos. Maybe it is not that difficult to implement because these applets can be embedded in normal web pages.

A good example of how that could work is how it is implemented in Office Mix.

Integration of GeoGebra applets
Issue Status: 
Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
tim's picture

That would be really cool! 

Perhaps if there's a lot of support from the H5P community, a developer will contribute the code that will allow GeoGebra to be embedded into Interactive Video.