Check vs Next Arrow in Multiple Choice Question

I am using H5P with LearnDash and GrassBlade (xAPI & LRS).

A number of my courses have a pre-test and post-test.  The pretest is not graded but the post-test is.

I am wanting to have the answer a learner selects in a multiple choice question (question set) sent to the LRS.  Currently the answer is only sent when the user clicks "Check" below each question.  If they click an answer and move to the next question then the question is graded, but the answer selected is not sent to the LRS. 

I tried a work around of changing the lable text from "Check" to "Submit" but that is confusing the learners.  Also, on the Pre-Test, I don't want learners to know if they got the question right or wrong.

Is there a way to have the code updated so each answer is submitted?  Other suggestions?

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falcon's picture

Would it work for you if a statement with the user's answer were sent to the LRS every time the user pressed an answer? Also, are you using H5P's Question Set or something else to put questions together?

Thanks for the reply.

I think it would suit my needs if the user's answer was sent to the LRS every time an answer was selected.  

Yes, I am using H5P's question set - in WordPress.

One other wrinkle.  We set our courses up with a pre-test before they begin the content, and a post-test after they have completed the content.  For the pre-test, we prefer the user not see if an answer was right or wrong.  Is there a way have a setting where the X or check mark would not be shown?  It isn't a big deal but thought I would ask.

falcon's picture

We're planning to add a feature where you may disable the checkbutton all together, and we'll also be sure to send the users answers in all the interacted statements in the future.