Message above the presentation slide


How can I remove the message "Thank you for trying out H5P. To get started with H5P read our getting started guide" from my presentation? It appears at the top of the slide.


otacke's picture


You can't. This site is for testing, not for hosting and sharing your content.




Is there anyway to remove it? I talked to one guy, he said he has no message like this. Thanks a lot

otacke's picture

Why do you want to remove it?

I was just testing and realized that some slides had the message and others didn´t.

BV52's picture

Hi Boas,

You are correct this will only show for contents that are created after the update.


otacke's picture

Why were you testing if you could remove it? Pure explorative curiosity?

BV52's picture

Hi simplysars,

You can't, please note that this site is for testing purposes only and is not supposed to be used for 'real' content. Only new contents are affected by this which is the reason why it is not showing for all contents.


Thanks.. If this is a testing mode, How can I use h5p without the note "Thanks for using H5p......"?? I really need the interactive video and lot of quizzes from H5p.. Thanks again for information. 

otacke's picture


You can find all the information on the "getting started page" that's linked to in the note that you have mentioned yourself in your first post. You can either get a paid account on or download H5P and install it on your own server/web space.



BV52's picture

Hi simplysars,

You can either sign up for an or host your own content using the H5P plugin through Drupal, Wordpress or Moodle.



So can anybody tell me how to embed an H5P tool into my Moodle site now without the "Thank you for trying out H5P..." message.  I am normally happy to use a Moodle H5P activity plugin but I need this H5P tool to be embedded into a page and can't think of a way of doing that. 

otacke's picture

Hi Graham!

This site is meant for testing as mentioned in several places, but it not for hosting your productive content. You therefore cannot remove the message.


BV52's picture

Hi Graham,

Just to add to this. The plugin for Moodle also provides an option to embed the content.


drtlee's picture

Made an error and built my content on downloaded it, hosting it - uploaded it to my h5p on my hosted site... can't get rid of the bar at the top. Help!



drtlee's picture

built my content on knew the warnings and forgot... downloaded it and uploaded to my Moodle site... cannot get rid of the blue bar on top!

BV52's picture

Hi drtlee,

For some reason my browsers are crashing when I upload your content (could be my system as it is overdue for another cleanup). Anyway would you mind attaching a screenshot of what you are seeing?