Interactive video user led
I have now had a few days to use interactive video and think it's a really useful tool in education.
One feature I would like to see to make the user experience better would be the ability to pull a different video into the same space as the original based on the users response to a question.
I realise that I can jump to different positions within the video but pulling in new video content would improve the journey. A simple example would be:
Video starts.
Is paused at 10 seconds
A choice is offered to the user (yes or no)
Depending on the answer a short video (10 seconds) could be shown in the same frame then the original video would continue from a set starting point.
I realise I can do this with text now but not video.
In fact the perfect solution would be to have drag and drop video modules. Let's say ten in number of about twenty seconds each. The user could then select which direction to take. Like a playlist but built into what appears to be one video lesson.
Structuring such a lesson might be difficult but the end result could be worth it.
Wed, 04/05/2017 - 09:42
Thank you for the suggestion,
Thank you for the suggestion, sounds like a good idea to me :) The suggestion will be processed and moved into the system for prioritizing feature requests.