Course presentation - drag and drop - font size interface does not work

Hi, I am creating course presentation type content.

In the drag and drop content in the course presentation, font size interface does not work anymore after a recent update.

Thank you.





fnoks's picture


Thank you for reporting. I have tested this on by creating a Course Presentation and adding a Drag and Drop to it. I am able to choose cont size, and it shows up correctly after saving it. 

What exactly is not working? Are you not able to choose the font size? Or is the problem after you have saved the Course Presentation?

Thank you for the reply. I love H5P and here's my explanation. Thank you. Please click the following screencast.

Both paragraph format and font size do not work.

My wordpress is made on Genesis Framework.

falcon's picture

Thank you for the video. Are you able to select font size in stand alone drag and drop? (I.e. a drag and drop that isn't part of a course presentation)

We will look into this for the release planned in february.

Hi, Falcon. I have tested it in stand alone drag and drop content type.

It seems that it works fine in the stand alone.

Thank you, Falcon.

falcon's picture

Ok, thanks