Add voiceovers to presentations

It would be great if there was an option to add voiceovers to  the course presentations. This would enable learners to read the text, or to just listen to the text being read to them. As a learner, I find it daunting when confronted with lots of text to read and I'm sure that others do too. It would aid learning if there was the option to add voiceovers.

Thank you.

Add voiceovers to course presentations
Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
BV52's picture

Hi anderscaro,

The Course Presentation already has an option to upload an audio file and if you need to have a way to record you can use the Voice Recorder content type.


Thank you for stating that audio is available for Course Presentation. I would like to read, or see, the step-by-step process of how this is accomplished. Would you be willing to share a link to a "How to" page with instructions or a video for adding audio files?

BV52's picture

Hi WhitesideK,

There are no documentations on how to use "Audio"in Course Presentation but you can follow the steps below:

  1. In the Course Presentation Editor click the Audio icon (SS1)
  2. Type the title
  3. Click the "Source FIle" icon and upload the audio
  4. Change the other options as needed or depending or your preference.

