GCSE Science Revision Resources

mjo's picture

I have used H5P in the construction of revision resources for GCSE/IGCSE Science at www.globalmatters.org/topics and www.webschool.org.uk . I found it so easy to construct revision packages, without purchasing expensive software. All resources can be downloaded or embedded elsewhere. I have uploaded an example using H5P.

BV52's picture

Hi mjo,

Thank you for sharing this.


mjo's picture

Just a quick note to state that I have used H5P activities in a number of websites now. Thank you for offering such a wide and varied set of resources to be used in education. Puts many of the propriety software companies (with their ridiculous charges) to shame. The only problem I have experienced is the uploading of question sets to certain websites. Nevertheless , I am still SO impressed. 

mjo's picture

Updated H5P activities at www.webschool.org.uk