H5P moodle (3.6.2.) drag and drop @score and @total parametres
Submitted by julia_julia on Tue, 06/18/2019 - 16:08
Can you advice me.
I need to show the feedback text like "You have @score in @total / 总分@total分,得分@score分。" in the two translate languages (en/zh_cn).
The score and total parameters don't work twice, only at first english part of feedback text.
How can i correct this feedback in two languages?
Thu, 06/20/2019 - 02:50
Hi Julia,I'm afriad this is
Hi Julia,
I'm afriad this is not possible not unless you make changes to the code.
Mon, 06/24/2019 - 15:14
H5P moodle (3.6.2.) drag and drop @score and @total parametres
Hi BV52,
Thank you for your answer! I understand that need to make changes to the code. Can you write me,please, in which file i need to make it? For example, in dataview.js or h5p-data-view.js?
Mon, 06/24/2019 - 16:12
H5P moodle (3.6.2.) drag and drop @score and @total parametres
Hi BV52,
Thank you for your answer! I understand that need to make chenges to the code. Can you write, please, in which files do i need to make it? For ex, dataviews.js or h5p-data-view.js?
Thank you,
Tue, 06/25/2019 - 05:49
Hi Julia,I'm afraid my coding
Hi Julia,
I'm afraid my coding skills are novice at best but if someone else in the community has implemented something simililar I'm sure they will jump right in the conversation.