Audio: Rights of use box too small

tormartinkarlsen's picture

Rights of use box is cut and info is almost impossible to read.

Content types: 
tim's picture

Good catch. Thanks.

I've made an issue and it should be solved as soon as possible:

I see this exchange from 2017 but I'm still having this problem. What can I do?

From the forums:

  1. Currently not able to scroll the rights of use popup without expanding the
    Title. (Please find the attached screenshot for your reference)
    1. Create content type Accordion by giving the data in Metadata pop up
    2. Click on Rights of use button displayed in view screen




Acceptance Criteria

- Rights of use and embed dialogs are clearly visible for H5P audio - Also for Accordion

Attachments (2)

  •  Accordion_Rights of use.jpg27 Sep 2018, 05:31 AM 
 temporary_attachment09 Feb 2017, 04:41 AM